Fields used to draw the Wellbore Schematic

Wellbore Schematic

When generating a Wellbore Schematic in OpenWells® software, the schematic is drawn based on the data existing at the end of the Reporting Day. The Reporting Day end is defined by the Reporting Standard. Therefore, if a Drillstring was pulled before the end of the Reporting Day, then it will not appear in the schematic.

In the Interactive Well Site, Drillstring and Work String schematics are drawn based on the BHA/String Run Date/Time In (DM_BHA_RUN.date_in). Therefore, when a BHA Run is selected in the Interactive Well Site, it will appear in the schematic even if it has been pulled.  

The following fields are used by the application to draw a schematic.

Hole Sections

Drillstrings/Work Strings



Wellbore Equipment

Wellbore Openings


Reference Depths

Tool tip Fields


Hole Sections

The following fields in the Daily > Hole Sections area.

Hole Section Start Date (CD_HOLE_SECT_GROUP.date_sect_start)

Hole Section End Date (CD_HOLE_SECT_GROUP.md_hole_sect_top)

Hole Section MD Base (CD_HOLE_SECT_GROUP.md_hole_sect_base)

Hole Section Effective Hole Diameter (CD_HOLE_SECT.effective_diameter)

The depth of the last hole section is adjusted to match the current depth as specified in the daily report.

Daily General Current MD (DM_DAILY.md_current)


Drillstrings/Work strings

The following fields in the Daily > Drillstrings area.

BHA/String Run Date In (DM_BHA_RUN.date_in)

BHA/String Run Date Out (DM_BHA_RUN.date_out)

Component Section Type (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.sect_type_code (Symbol map))

Component Component Type (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.comp_type_code (Symbol map))

Component Manufacture (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.manufacturer (Symbol map filtering))

Component Model (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.model (Symbol map filtering))

Component Length (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.length)

Component MD Top (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.md_top)

Component Size (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.od_body)

Component Body ID (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.id_body)

The depth of the bit is adjusted by lengthening or shortening the first component so the bit depth matches the current depth (DM_DAILY.md_current) being careful not to let the depth exceed the md out depth (DM_BHA_RUN.md_out). If the current depth isn’t set it looks at the bottom of the deepest hole section (CD_HOLE_SECT_GROUP.md_hole_sect_base). All other components are adjusted to stay in sync with the bit.



The following fields in the Casing area.

Component Section Type (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.sect_type_code (Symbol map))

Component Component Type (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.comp_type_code (Symbol map))

Component Manufacture (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.manufacturer (Symbol map filtering))

Component Model (CCD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.model (Symbol map filtering))

Component Length (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.length)

Component MD Top (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.md_top)

Component Body OD (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.od_body)

Component Body ID (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.id_body)

Component Number of Joints (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.joints)

Status Spreadsheet Date/Time (CD_ASSEMBLY_STATUS.date_status) Looks for CD_ASSEMBLY_STATUS.status_code = "IN" or, if that is blank, CD_ASSEMBLY_STATUS.status = "INSTALLED"

If Casing Component Number of Joints (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.joints) is greater than one or if Casing Component Length (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.length) is greater than 50ft then the component is deemed stretchable. In other words it will be repeated as necessary on the schematic. Otherwise only one symbol is drawn to represent the component.



The following fields in the Cementing area.

Job Start Date/Time (CD_CEMENT_JOB.job_start_date)

Casing Details Assembly (CD_CEMENT_JOB.assembly_id)

Job Type (CD_CEMENT_JOB.job_type) Looks for PLUG to indicate a cement plug

PROFILE™ Drilled Out check box (CD_CEMENT_JOB.is_drilled_out) This is a PROFILE  field and does not appear in OpenWells application.

PROFILE Date Drilled Out (CD_CEMENT_JOB.drilled_out_date) This is a PROFILE  field and does not appear in OpenWells application.

Cement Stage MD Top (CD_CEMENT_STAGE.md_top)

Cement Stage MD Base (CD_CEMENT_STAGE.md_base)


Wellbore Equipment/Rod Strings

The following fields in the Wellbore Equipment area.

Assembly Name (CD_ASSEMBLY.concentric_assembly_id)

Component Section Type (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.sect_type_code (Symbol map))

Component Component Type (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.comp_type_code (Symbol map))

Component Manufacture (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.manufacturer (Symbol map filtering))

Component Model (CCD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.model (Symbol map filtering))

Component Length (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.length)

Component MD Top (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.md_top)

Component Body OD (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.od_body)

Component Body ID (CD_ASSEMBLY_COMP.id_body)

Status Date/Time In (CD_ASSEMBLY_STATUS.date_status) Looks for CD_ASSEMBLY_STATUS.status_code = "IN" or, if that is blank, CD_ASSEMBLY_STATUS.status = "INSTALLED"


Wellbore Openings

The following fields in Wellbore Properties > Wellbore Openings tab.

Type (CD_WELLBORE_OPENING.opening_type)



Status Date (CD_OPENING_STATUS.effective_date)

Status (CD_OPENING_STATUS.status)



The following fields in the Stimulations area.

Stimulation Job Date DM_STIM_JOB.time_start

Stage Interval Top (DM_STIM_STAGE.interval_top)

Stage Interval Base (DM_STIM_STAGE.interval_base)

Stage Type (DM_STIM_STAGE.stage_type)


Reference Depths

The following fields in the Well Properties > Depth Reference tab.

Offshore check box (CD_WELL.is_offshore)

Water Depth (CD_WELL.water_depth)

Elevation (CD_DATUM.datum_elevation)

The following fields in the Project Properties > General tab.

System Datum Elevation (CD_PROJECT.system_datum_offset)


Tooltip Fields

The tooltips that appear when hovering over various parts of the schematic can be overridden by adding string values to the registry key:

These strings contain a comma separated list of the fields you wish to see in the tooltip. For wellbore equipment strings, casing and drillstrings the default  is:

For cement the default is:

The string values to create if you wish to override these defaults are: